In 2020 and 2021, I obtained both the master’s degree in national and international criminal law from the University of Amsterdam. In February 2022, I received an offer to work as a criminal lawyer. In these two years I gained a lot of experience as a trial lawyer and was in the middle of society. Nevertheless, I noticed that in addition to hearings, I also wanted to do consulting work. Employment law offers the opportunity to work in both the litigation and advisory practice. At the same time, you remain at the center of society and work on tangible cases. A great combination as a lawyer.

L&A Lawyers came on my path. I was immediately enthusiastic and decided to continue my path here.

Employment law is a dynamic, creative, and current area of law. In addition, you deal with different types of people. From employee to employer and from a small family business to a large international company.

As a lawyer, it is important to have a good sense of the playing field and to see where the strengths, but also the pain points in a case lie. In this way – in consultation with the client – a well-considered strategy can be chosen.

I enjoy working on legally complex cases and getting to the heart of the problem in clear language. In doing so, it is important to proactively discuss with clients how similar problems can be avoided in the future. However, not every case is as legally complex; I also find this challenging because it comes down more to persuasion.